Camera obscură, activități de conștientizare în favoarea persoanelor cu dizabilități de vedere 

„Camera obscura, activitati de constientizare in favoarea persoanelor cu dizabilitati de vedere” – vine in ajutorul unei probleme cu care comunitatea aradeană se confrunta de mult timp. Colectivul format din persoanele nevazatoare din orasul Arad intampina anumite dificultati in ceea ce priveste integrarea completa in societate, precum lipsa activitatilor comune, a accesibilitatii in majoritatea locatiilor sau transportul public care nu este adaptat pentru ei, stigma din partea comunitatii si a persoanlor cu care interactioneaza. 



Activitatile implementate in cadrul acestui proiect, includ ateliere sustinute in liceele si scolile generale din judetul Arad, dar si la sediul Asociatiei Nevazatorilor din Arad, includ ateliere de recunoastere a diferite condimente sau alimente, atelier de ghidare prin demonstratie fizica si verbala a deplasarii unei persoane nevazatoare, atelier de scriere si citire a alfabetului Braille, 

de confectionare a unor ochelari care sa imita perceptia vizuala in functie de diferite diagnostice medicale,  de ghidare in camera obscura, treasure hunt,  ateliere de ghidare in spatiu si multe altele. 

Cu timpul, speram sa ajungem la ratiunea si inimile a cat mai multor oameni si sa ii inspiram sa ni se alature in aceasta miscare, asigurand durabilitatea initiativei. Toate rezultatele planificate cu ajutorul acestui proiect vor fi benefice atat la nivel individual, prin informarea cetatenilor si dezvoltarea personala a indivizilor, cat si la nivel de comunitate, prin adoptarea unei atitudini deschise, incluzive si tolerante. In cele din urma, proiectul nostru a fost cladit pe ideea de solidaritate in comunitate, obiectiv si rezultat dorit al echipei noastre. 


„Dark Room, awareness-raising activities in favour of people with visual disabilities” – comes to the aid of a problem that the Arad community has been facing for a long time. The group of blind people in Arad faces certain difficulties in terms of full integration in society, such as lack of common activities, accessibility in most places or public transport that is not adapted for them, stigma from the community and the people they interact with. 

The activities implemented within this project include workshops held in high schools and general schools in Arad county, but also at the headquarters of the Association of the Blind in Arad, include workshops on the recognition of different spices or foods, a workshop on guidance through physical and verbal demonstration of the movement of a blind person, a workshop on writing and reading the Braille alphabet, making glasses to imitate visual perception according to different medical diagnoses, darkroom guidance, treasure hunt, spatial guidance workshops and many others.

Over time, we hope to reach the minds and hearts of as many people as possible and inspire them to join us in this movement, ensuring the sustainability of the initiative. All the results planned through this project will be beneficial both at an individual level, through informing citizens and personal development of individuals, and at a community level, through adopting an open, inclusive and tolerant attitude. Finally, our project has been built on the idea of solidarity in the community, which is our team’s objective and desired outcome. 


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