European Community Support Service
15.01.2018 – 15.01.2020
Rezumat – Activitățile principale ale proiectului au constat în două mobilități de tineret SVE. În ambele mobilități, 11 voluntari EVS din Spania, Italia și Franța au fost găzduiți la Arad și Timișoara pentru a asigura bunăstarea și integrarea tinerilor marginalizați, oferind în același timp oportunități de dezvoltare personală pentru tinerii din Europa. Voluntarii au realizat acest lucru lucrând direct cu grupurile țintă: persoane cu dizabilități vizuale și mentale, refugiați și solicitanți de azil, persoane care provin dintr-un mediu defavorizat (economic, familial, geografic), persoane aparținând diferitelor grupuri etnice (în principal romi). Prima mobilitate a început în septembrie 2018 și a doua mobilitate în mai 2019. Durata fiecărei etape internaționale a fost de 7 luni.Voluntarii au fost implicați în diferite activități specifice și transversale cu partenerii locali precum ASPIS, Asociația Nevazatorilor Arad, AID-ROM, Centrul de Criza Arad, Vis de Copil, Centrul Curcubeu etc.
Finanțat de – Programul Erasmus+ al Comisiei Europene prin Serviciul European de Voluntariat
Resurse online – promovarea online pentru activitățile proiectului poate fi găsită pe pagina noastră de Facebook și / sau folosind #ECSSvolunteers
Peers for Integration
01.09.2019 – 31.12.2020
Rezumat – Proiectul a avut ca scop facilitarea incluziunii sociale a refugiaților prin susținerea procesului lor de adaptare culturală și reducerea discriminării cu care se confruntă. Pentru aceasta a propus o abordare integrată inovatoare, care vizează educația tinerilor pentru a încuraja dezvoltarea competențelor civice și interculturale, atât pentru tinerii refugiați cât și pentru tinerii rezidenți ai țărilor europene. Acest lucru a fost realizat prin dezvoltarea unei metodologii de educație inter pares care împuternicește tinerii refugiați și tinerii europeni să prevină xenofobia și intoleranța în rândul tinerilor, devenind ei înșiși „profesorii” colegilor lor. Metodologia pe care am dezvoltat-o va duce la:
- Consolidarea cunoștințelor tinerilor despre refugiați și culturile locale,
- Favorizarea acceptării diversității,
- Consolidarea gândirii critice,
Prin produsele intelectuale pe care le-am dezvoltat dar și prin implementările locale care i-au asigurat pilotarea am adus contribuții directe și semnificative în ceea ce privește combaterea discriminării, xenofobiei și, pe termen lung, a radicalizării.
Finanțat de – Programul Erasmus + al Comisiei Europene – Parteneriat strategic KA2 în domeniul tineretului
Rezultatele și impactul proiectului – Rezultatul principal al proiectului este un program de educație inter pares, care se adresează atât tinerilor refugiați, cât și tinerilor cetățeni ai UE, și care:
- Consolidează cunoștințele tinerilor despre refugiați și culturile locale,
- Favorizează acceptarea diversității, ajută beneficiarii să devină, în general, mai toleranți și mai deschiși la diversitate
- Îmbunătățește gândirea critică în ceea ce privește tradițiile și stereotipurile care contravin valorilor europene, luând în considerare aspectele culturale care caracterizează cetățenii europeni și refugiații.
- Împuternicește participanții să facă față presiunii sociale existente care favorizează această formă de discriminare
- Îi implică în luarea de măsuri sociale
Teoria schimbării proiectului propus este că prin participarea la acest program educațional refugiații / solicitanții de azil vor dobândi o înțelegere suficientă a normelor culturale europene și a abilităților de auto-advocacy care le vor permite:
- Integrarea în spațiul cultural european,
- Să fie conștienți la ce să se aștepte atunci când se stabilesc într-o țară UE
- Facă față șocului cultural într-un mod satisfăcător,
- Evite și trateze „fricțiunea culturală”.
Tinerii din trei țări ale UE vor adopta o atitudine deschisă față de diversitate și își vor dezvolta competențele interculturale și civice (în special în ceea ce privește înțelegerea valorilor și culturilor refugiaților), la un nivel suficient încât sa nu manifeste aversiune sau comportament exclusiv față de refugiați / solicitanții de azil.
Aceste ipoteze au fost testate pe 30 de tineri refugiați și 300 de tineri care trăiesc în Italia, Belgia și România.
Metodele sunt suficient de accesibile pentru a fi puse în aplicare de către educatori-colegi.
În consecință, un alt rezultat al proiectului este o rețea de formatori inter pares formată din 10 tineri refugiați și 24 de tineri din țările UE, care a facilitat atelierele la nivel local.
Un alt rezultat al procesului este platforma electronică a proiectului – un instrument deschis pentru diseminarea programului și a altor bune practici în domeniul incluziunii refugiaților.
Resurse online – Promovarea online pentru activitățile proiectului poate fi găsită pe pagina noastră de Facebook și / sau folosind #PeersforIntegration sau #peersforintegration
Parteneri ai proiectul – European Peer Training Organization (Belgia), Attiva – Mente (Italia), Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Arad (România)
Password Diversity
01.10.2018 – 01.03.2021
Rezumat – Proiectul EVS „Password Diversity” face parte dintr-un program extins derulat Ofensiva Tinerilor pe tema Educației timpurii pentru diversitate și incluziune. Are impact asupra mai multor categorii de beneficiari implicați activ în proiect: voluntari străini, elevi / studenți și tineri din medii diferite, persoane cu dizabilități și aparținând minorităților culturale, organizații care militează pentru integrarea persoanelor cu nevoi speciale, antreprenorii care pot adăuga valorifică afacerea lor, devenind conștienți de beneficiile diversității. Proiectul găzduit 8 voluntari străini veniți din Spania și Turcia pentru stagii cuprinse între 6 și 12 luni. În cadrul atelierelor de diversitate organizate de voluntari am dezvoltat atitudini și comportamente incluzive la mai mult de 500 de elevi din școlile partenere din Arad și din comunele din jur. Prin facilitarea programelor de educație interculturală în rândul a peste 100 de persoane cu nevoi speciale, voluntarii au sporit conștientizarea pozitivă a diversității și incluziunii în rândul comunității gazdă și a tinerilor săi. Voluntarii pe care i-am găzduit în timpul focarului COVID-19 au oferit sprijin și au ajutat în cadrul fundației Vis de Copil, un centru în care persoanele fără adăpost și persoanele care provin dintr-un mediu social foarte dificil primesc mese calde, îmbrăcăminte și alte produse de bază în fiecare zi.
Finanțat de – Programul Erasmus + al Comisiei Europene – Proiectul de găzduire a Serviciului Voluntar European
Grupul țintă – Voluntarii noștri au lucrat în școli cu elevi între 10 și 17 ani precum și cu tineri cu diferite dizabilități din Arad (predominant tineri cu dizabilități vizuale și mentale).
Resurse online – promovarea online pentru activitățile proiectului poate fi găsită pe pagina noastră de Facebook și / sau folosind #PasswordDiversity sau #passworddiversity
VIVA – Visually Impaired Youth with Vested Autonomy Social Inclusion via Social Entreprenurship
01.02.2019 – 21.08.2021
Summary – The main objective of the consortium is to develop an innovative social entrepreneurship training program to be applied in the youth sector, addressing the needs of young persons with visual impairment, for improved social inclusion and employment opportunities. The program incorporates a unique delivery approach, i.e. young people with visual impairment will receive a training focused on leadership, entrepreneurial and intercultural skills, transforming them into autonomous members of society and able multipliers of the approach – trainers and motivators of other young people with visual impairment.
Based on our experiences and lessons learnt we now believe that the youngsters with visual impairment are the experts on their conditions, which means that they should be the ones talking, explaining, empowering others. Hence the main approach we follow – „empower to empower”.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – KA2 strategic partnership in the field of youth
Target group – Out target group for this project are young adults with visual impairment aged 18 to 30 which after participating in our project would have an increased self-confidence, motivation for learning and employment, social entrepreneurial skills, self efficacy and intercultural communication skills.
Results of the project – The main outcome of the V.I.V.A. will be a training program which will combine and adapt three concepts: development of leadership skills, development of inter-cultural skills and development of social entrepreneurial skills, aided by an excellent example of a innovative social entrepreneurial practice (bread in the dark and bakers without borders) and a team-building practice (drama for ensemble building among young people with visual impairment).
Online resources –
International partners of the project – Foundation for Development of the Cultural and Business Potential of Civil Society (Bulgaria) / International Council for Cultural Centers (Bulgaria) / National Rehabilitation Centre for Blind (Bulgaria) / Arteveldehogeschool (Belgium) / National Institute for the Blind (Iceland) / University of Thessaly (Greece) / Unione Italiana Ciechi ed Ipovedenti Sezione Provinciale di Firenze (Italy)
Guaranteed non-formal
01.05.2019 – 01.05.2021
Summary – The project ‘Guaranteed. Nonformal ‘ was initiated at the request of associate partners from Arad who depend on long-term volunteers in their educational and / or social work, but do not have the ability to recruit or train them. The European Solidarity Corps provides the stable framework for voluntary force with intercultural added value. As the title suggests, Ofensiva Tinerilor proposes to make non-formal education and volunteer guaranteed resources for social change and community development.
To the make project objectives easier to track, we correlated them with the main sets of activities in the volunteer agenda:
Set 1 Non-formal activities in high schools increased the participation in local volunteering activities and intercultural programs of 240 high school students. Set 2 Educational activities in kindergartens provides the activities in which the kids are getting a better understanding of values such as empathy, friendship, solidarity, respect and diversity. In order to achieve this, our volunteers are performing puppet theatre plays designed by themselves for groups of children from different social backgrounds enrolled in understaffed public kindergartens. During the 1st volunteering stage of our project the volunteers managed to show the puppet theatre in six different kinder gardens.
Set 3 Fund raising activities designed by our volunteers for different causes in Arad, which they choose and decide to donate and work for.
Set 4 Support activities in the ASPIS afterschool program for underprivileged children where the volunteers organize leisure and non formal educational activities 3 times every week with 25 children.
Set 5 Promoting the European Solidarity Corps Program among students from Arad. More than 300 youngsters from 4 high schools from Arad participated in the interactive presentations prepared by our volunteers.
For now six volunteers finished their volunteering stages in this project and we are expecting a next group of six volunteers coming from Georgia, Turkey and Armenia to join us in the next weeks and to stat their volunteering activities.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – European Solidarity Corps long term individual hosting project
Online resources – online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on our Facebook Page and/or using the #GuaranteedNonFormal or #guaranteednonformal
Peer Solidarity
01.03.2019 – 01.10.2021
Summary – The aim of this project was to facilitate the inclusion of youngsters from vulnerable groups into society, with a particular attention on youngsters with disabilities. This is part of the long-term aim of the organisation of supporting young people belonging to vulnerable groups, who are often excluded and face important barriers, in achieving their full potential.
In this project we already hosted 27 foreign and Romanian volunteers for two months during the summer of 2019. Due to the COVID pandemic we were forced to postpone the summer stage of 2020 to 2021.
In the two months the volunteers spent in Arad, we managed to create a sensorial alley and renovate the whole outdoor space of the GHIOCELUL therapy Center for children with disabilities from Arad. We organized a great event during which children with and without disabilities met and came together for the first time to play, have gardening activities, and participate in contests and team sports. We organized several awareness activities together with the Blind Association form Arad, in order to raise awareness for the citizens who face a visual impairment in the city of Arad (dinner in the dark, the dark room, inclusive leisure and sport activities, a theater play in which young actors with visual impairment performed). Workshops and other activities for promoting diversity and tolerance among youth was organized in the 2 school summer camps in Arad county.
We are very proud that during the volunteering stages six of the volunteers we hosted were facing visual impairments.
For the next summer we intend to involve into our volunteering team, youth coming from the foster care system.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – European Solidarity Corps short term teams hosting project
Online resources – online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on our Facebook Page and/or using the #PeerSolidarity or #peersolidarity
Peers for Inclusion
01.02.2018 – 01.04.2019
Summary – In 2016 Ofensiva Tinerilor conducted a research in 5 countries on the inclusion and participation of youngsters with visual impairments in youth and Life Long Learning activities (part of the „Erasmus 4 VIP” KA2 project coordinated by Ofensiva Tinerilor). The results were quite upsetting. For example, as little as 2 to 4 percent of youngsters with visual impairment were participating in activities conducted by a youth organisation and close to 90% of the youth organisations did not provide accessible services to persons with visual impairment. Further research showed that this is quite a general trend, as in a lot of the EU27 countries the participation rate to non-formal activities of persons who have difficulties in performing basic activities is about half the one of the ones who are not facing these difficulties (Eurostat). Statistics, own research and observations indisputably showed that at EU level persons with disabilities have far less opportunities to get engaged in youth and non-formal education activities than their peers with no disabilities.
„Peers for Inclusion 2019” came as a response to the identified need in form of a K1 Mobility for Youth workers with 2 training modules that took place, the 1st one in Arad and the 2nd in Ramnicu Valcea Romania.
During the 1st module youth workers learned how to improve the activities that their associations are doing so that people with visual impairment can also participate. They learned more about what they need to take into consideration when working with persons with visual impairment, how they should act as a sighted guide, how to prepare accessible working materials and much more.
In the 2nd module, the participants that gained some experience in working with persons with disabilities through some workshops conducted by them in their home communities, discovered how to teach others to be more inclusive in their work. The “Train the Trainer” module gave them the chance to develop their facilitation skills and to learn how to develop a training program that addresses inclusion.
The methodology used in this project was developed by Ofensiva Tinerilor during the “Erasmus 4 VIP’s” KA2 strategic partnership project and is using the EPTO pedagogical approach (Thematic Awareness Training, followed by 6 hours of workshop conducted by each of the participants that will than qualify them to participate in the second mobility a Train The Trainer module) and certification process.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – Learning Mobility for Youth Workers
Target group – In the 1st and 2nd module we hosted 18 participants (youth workers) coming from a total of 9 partners from all over Europe. A few of our participants were youth workers facing visual impairment.
Result and Impact of the project – we conducted an impact analysis on our participants at the end of the training course. You can find their words on-line at
Online resources – online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on our Facebook Page and/or using the #PeersforInclusion or #peersforinclusion
Peers for Inclusion 2019
01.10.2019 – 01.05.2021
Summary – Due to the great impact out first training for youth workers called Peers for Inclusion had, we shared it on-line and started to receive a lot of questions as on when we will organize a new training course sign this methodology, so when enough partners were interested, we decided to reapply the course and organize a new Thematic Awareness Training followed by a Train The Trainer module. This time 22 youth workers will be trained during this project coming from nine organizations all over Europe. Unfortunately the training modules had to be postponed due to the COVID – 19 outbreak.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – Learning Mobility for Youth Workers
Target group – In the 1st and 2nd module we will host 22 participants (youth workers) coming from a total of 9 partners from all over Europe.
Peers for Equality
01.09.2017 – 28.02.2019
Summary – Our main aim for this project was to develop the capacity of peer education platforms and NGOs for reducing gender-based discrimination. To achieve this we have developed a modern peer education program by exchanging, adapting and creating non-formal methods and tools which can be used in youth work. In order to achieve our objective during 18 months, we have:
- Developed a non-formal training kit for tackling gender based discrimination, that can be used both in rural and urban areas. The t-kit addresses topics like: acknowledging the ways in which traditions and stereotypes influence the attitudes of men and women, encouraging critical thinking on the topic, combating the negative prejudice, encouraging positive social action. Also, it includes specialized sections on developing facilitation skills for organizing peer education workshops.
- Created a network of 22 “Peer Practitioners” in the field of promoting gender equality (trainers that are able to facilitate workshops tackling gender based discrimination in youth environment)
- Created a network of 10 “Senior Trainers”, (trainers that will later be able to train other peer educators to facilitate workshops tackling gender based discrimination in youth environment)
The „Peers for Equality Training Program”, which is the main result of this project, was developed in a first ever cooperation between Ofensiva Tinerilor, EPTO and Y-Peer networks. Being tested in over 15 communities (both from Europe and Central Asia) and on more than 200 beneficiaries, it has shown great potential for changing the mentalities of young people, especially in terms of:
- developing critical thinking with respect to traditions and stereotypes that contradict human rights, taking into consideration cultural aspects from Europe and Central Asia
- empowering the participants to face the existing social pressure that fosters this form of discrimination
- making them aware of not only the negative implications of gender based violence but also of the ones of other forms of gender discrimination
- helping them become, in general, more tolerant and more open to diversity
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – Capacity Building in the Field of Youth project
International partners of the project – European Peer Training Organization (Belgium) and Public Union Youth Peer Education Network – Y-PEER (Kyrgyzstan)
Result and Impact of the project – we conducted an impact analysis on our participants at the end of the training course. You can find their words on-line at
Online resources – and online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on our Facebook Page and/or using the #PeersforEquality or #peersforequality
Peers for Equality (youth workers mobilities)
01.02.2020 – 31.12.2021
Summary – „Peers for Equality” mobility of youth workers comes as a response to the demand of several international association who were informed about the development of our training program on gender based discrimination through the capacity building project mentioned above. Therefore we prepared a KA1 mobility of youth workers with 2 training modules that will take place, the 1st one in Arad and the 2nd in Ramnicu Valcea Romania.
1st module will be a Thematic Awareness Training (TAT) – a 6-day initial training for youth workers, tackling the training topic, aiming to stimulate the acquisition of social competences that foster ownership of the fundamental values of non-discrimination and equality between genders.
2nd module – Train the Trainer – a 5-day training for peer trainers who have attended a TAT and wish to improve their facilitation skills so that they can replicate the process back in their local environment, by facilitating thematic workshops on the topic, using the Peers for Equality methodology
Unfortunately the training modules had to be postponed due to the COVID – 19 outbreak.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – Learning Mobility for Youth Workers
Target group – in the 1st and 2nd module we hosted 22 participants (youth workers) coming from a total of 9 partners from all over Europe. A few of our participants were youth workers facing visual impairment.
Community Support Service
01.08.2020 – 01.08.2022
Summary – The Volunteering for Community Support project aims at fostering a more inclusive local community in Arad, mainly by educating local young people to understand and accept diversity, engaging them in activities in the benefit of youngsters from vulnerable groups and promoting inclusion through role-modeling.
The project comprises in 2 volunteering activities, each involving 10 foreign volunteers and 2 Romanian ones, who will implement specific measures for local social transformation, that address three main directions of action related to inclusion: 1. Education – educating the youngsters to be more tolerant through specific training programs. This will be achieved by organizing weekly anti-discrimination and anti-bullying workshops in different secondary schools form Arad county, and other non-formal activities in partner schools with the aim of promoting European youth programs, the active participation of pupils in them and the stimulation of their own volunteering initiatives with vulnerable groups. 2. Inspiration – having the volunteers and local youngsters become role models for the young people they will be working with. This will be achieved through activities like educational theatre activities in kindergartens and schools, with the volunteers will be using educational drama to promotes values such as empathy, friendship, respect for diversity and solidarity among children 3. Action – involving the volunteers and local youngsters in activities that are in favor of vulnerable groups. This will be achieved through involving the volunteers and local youngsters in activities with our partners working with vulnerable groups (ASPIS association, CURUCUBEU day center and other similar institutions from Arad), organizing a “Boardgames Tour” (weekly game sessions with young people from privileged and disadvantaged neighborhoods of the host community) and helping the volunteers in developing own initiatives aimed at supporting persons and especially children from different socially challenging backgrounds are cared for.
Unfortunately the volunteering stages had to be postponed due to the COVID – 19 outbreaks.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – European Solidarity Corps long-term individual hosting project.
Project partnerships
Between 2018 – 2020 Ofensiva Tinerilor coordinated a number of projects all designed to be in line with our mission to “Offer young people accessible and inclusive educational opportunities, which help them, achieve their full potential”. All our projects, ESC or EVS volunteering projects, motilities of youth workers or KA2 strategic partnership projects all followed the principle of Peer Education. Around 3000 direct beneficiaries, of volunteering project activities; trainings or workshops were impacted by our activity in the last two years.
Ofensiva Tinerilor became a solid partner inside the communities we are active, the School Inspectorate, schools, kindergarten, institutional care centres as well as other NGO’s are asking for specific activities or formative services offered by us. All these achievements were not have been possible without the involvement of our volunteers (national and international), our staff and collaborators and of course our community partners and stakeholders who are confident in the quality of the work we provide through our activities.
Unfortunately 2020 was a year of change during which we had to postpone most of our formative work but managed to develop new project ideas and close some of our remaining activities.
Projects in partnership at international level
OPEN Project 
Sept 2017 – April 2019
Summary – The project combined the efforts of five youth NGOs and one umbrella organization from five countries on a cross sectorial level (youth and school education) for developing the first online platform (OPEN platform) for validating good practices in youth work that can be applied to five groups of youth learners with special needs: Autism, Visual and Hearing Impairment, Dyslexia, Physical Difficulties.
The project explored a possible solution to this challenge by linking special needs education specialists and youth workers in our partner countries and across Europe through the innovative OPEN platform.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – KA2 strategic partnership in the field of youth
Partners of the project – National Association of Resource Teacher – Applicant (Bulgaria) / Ofensiva Tinerilor (Romania) / CET Platform (Bulgaria) / Younet (Italy) / CMA KRIK (Republik of North Macedonia) / Celjski Mladinski Center (Slovenia)
Result and Impact of the project
Online resources – project website / project Facebook page / online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on different Facebook Pages using #SENopen
Peace Jam
nov 2017 – nov 2020
Summary – By this project the PeaceJam Compassion in Action Curriculum was created to combat Europe’s challenges with extremism, division, radicalization and exclusion. This curriculum realizes the vision of the EU’s Paris Declaration social inclusion transformation vision, by inspiring young people and changing the context of the communities and schools where young people live and work.So far more than 3000 youngsters from 54 schools have been involved, to do this we have been collaborating with 152 teachers in communities across the EU who are piloting, evaluating, and adapting a proven curriculum for creating inclusive communities that has been implemented in 39 countries for 20 years.The curriculum is based on the lives of the Nobel Laureates who work with the PeaceJam Foundation. Through peer-mentoring events, the Nobel Laureates inspire young people in life-changing ways by embedding mutual respect and intercultural dialogue to combat all forms of discrimination.Our goal is to disseminate and scale up the project to reach 4500 pupils in 120 schools by working with 480 teachers in 3 years. We hope to motivate young people to participate in the One Billion Acts of Peace program and become stronger leaders and promote inclusion in their communities and the world around them.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – KA3 Social Inclusion Fund in the Fileds of Education and Training project
International Partners – European Peer Training Organisation – Applicant (Belgium) / Ofensiva Tinerilor (Romania) / AMO Reliance (Belgium) / 4Motion (Luxembourg) / Learning for Well Being Foundation (Netherlands) / EIMAI (Greece) / PeaceJam UK (United Kingdom)
Online resources – project website
online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on different Facebook Pages using #bilionactseurope / #iacted / #actsofpeace / #PeaceJam
PeerAct 
612137 – EPP – 1 – 2019 – BE – EPPKA3 – IPI – SOC – IN
Jan 2020 – Jan 2022
Summary – By this project we intend to scale-up the implementation of the „A world of difference – AWOD” ® training program, which has been used for more than 20 years and which has already proven its effectiveness in fostering non-discrimination, tolerance, solidarity and equality on more than 350 000 worldwide beneficiaries. The program uses interactive methods such as simulations, small and large group discussion, role-plays, dramatizations, that generate experiences, which later help participants reflect and draw conclusions about the ways in which differences impact our daily lives.
We are planning to replicate it in 7 new communities within the 6 countries, where the project partners are based: Romania, Portugal, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia and Spain. Develop and disseminate a framework for cooperation that will allow this non-formal learning process to be included in the European formal learning system as a complementary means to facilitate the acquisition of the fundamental EU values in schools. With this project we aim to equip 1700 youngsters across these communities with the necessary social and civic competencies that will make them embrace the values of non-discrimination, tolerance, solidarity and equality. Due to the COVID – 19 outbreak some of our mobility activities for this project had to be postponed, but we will get back to the project as soon as the global situation will allow it.
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – KA3 Social Inclusion Fund in the Fileds of Education and Training project
International Partners – European Peer Training Organisation – Applicant (Belgium) / Ofensiva Tinerilor (Romania) / Pomoc Deci (Serbia) / Asociatia Youth on the Move (Romania) / PAR (Portugalia) / Volunteers Centre Skopje (Republic of North Macedonia) / San Xerome Emiliani (Spania) / Humanitas (Slovenia) / European Institute of Education and Social Policy (France)
Online resources – more information about the project can be found and online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on different Facebook Pages using #PeerAct or #peeract
4 minute Barrier 
Jan 2020 – Jan 2023
Summary – The “Four-minute barriers” project addresses the social inclusion through and within sport, aiming at creating and disseminating new and revisited tools for people with impaired vision and the net of family, friends, supporters, teachers and trainers around them in order to fulfill its inclusive purpose. The Project focuses particularly on children with impaired vision in its objective of supporting the European Commission conclusion regarding the need for a more inclusive Sport in Europe and for bringing people with disabilities together with the rest of the society. Promoting inclusion and using sport for developing more cohesive communities, supporting the transnational exchange of strategies and methodologies in order to make a better use of the potential of sport for social inclusion at national and European level.
The Project intends to tear down the invisible barriers as Bannister did, bringing innovation, particularly with a new sport, in which sighted and VIP can play together on the same court at the same time, creating real inclusion and interaction without having the sighted give up on their vision. Also through the creation of a Portfolio containing methodologies, knowledge and good practices related with physical activities and sport for people with impaired vision, and MOOCs in order to facilitate the understanding of the issues, the available solutions and their good and fundamental implication in the lives of people with visual impairment.
Our main target group are children with impaired vision, whether attending specialized schools or mainstream schools (secondary and high schools).
Financed by – the Erasmus + Program of the European Commission – Collaborative Actions in Sport
Project partners – Foundation for development of the cultural and business potential of civil society – Applicant (Bulgaria) / Inforef (Belgium) / Ofensiva Tinerilor (Romania) / Prisos Blind Sport Union (Greece) / University of Thessaly (Greece) / IT Tralee (Ireland) / Quarto Tempo Firenze (Italy)
Online resources – online promotion for the activities of the project can be found on different Facebook Pages using #4minBarriers or #4minBarrier / Facebook Page of the project / the project website
In the last two years Ofensiva Tinerilor became a partner organization within great strategic projects that are bringing new working methodologies and new activities to Romania and specifically Arad. Besides the above mentioned projects we were sending our youth workers to several international training courses on topic such as: Inclusion of persons with disabilities / Discrimination and diversity education / Specific trainings on EVS – ESC mentorship, project management, project developments etc. / Peace education and well being which took place in Croatia, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Greece, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey, Spain and Bulgaria.
Ofensiva is an active European Solidarity Corps sending organization and in the last years we mainly sent volunteers who face visual impairment and other disabilities, to short and long term volunteering stages to Macedonia, Turkey and Portugal. In the same time we also hosted as partner, in several EVS and ESC projects, volunteers from Turkey, Republic of North Macedonia and Italy, facing disabilities.
The year 2020 was one of great challenges but also good partnerships, as several international projects were applied by our partner organizations all over Europe, in which Ofensiva is a partner. We could mention the European Youth Together call for projects, the 2020 Erasmus+ Social Inclusion Fund call for projects, the Europe for Citizens call for projects, the National Agencies KA1 mobility for youth workers and volunteering projects and KA2 strategic partnership call for projects.
Activities at local level
Locally Ofensiva Tinerilor is organizing workshops using peer education as a tool to empower youngsters to help their peers embrace diversity and reach their full potential. Ofensiva Tinerilor’s local projects are funded every year by the County Directorate of Sport and Youth, by the Municipal and County Cultural Centers, and by some private donors that invest in the educational activities we organize in Arad. In the last two years 250 youngsters from Arad participated in our local workshops.